The Graduate Program in Health Sciences develops projects integrated to the themes of Biodiversity / Bioprospection (development of new drugs and pharmaceutical inputs from marine and coastal sources - microalgae, halophytes, fish oil) and Health in Coastal Ecosystems (genetic diversity of infectious agents particularly for neglected or pandemic diseases such as tuberculosis, HIV / AIDS, hepatitis and sexually transmitted diseases, studies of chronic-degenerative diseases (Parkinson's disease) and studies of genetic polymorphism related to metabolic dysfunctions (obesity), assessment of the impact of chemical pollutants to human health. These projects have an important academic and social impact, addressing issues that are essential for regional and national public health. It is expected with this project a better understanding of those issues, allowing the formation of highly qualified human resources to confront the serious and emerging health problems, and hence offering to local, regional and national managers and decision makers the scientific evidence needed to support appropriate public policies. These projects are developed in collaboration with national and international partners, involving professor and student mobility, joint publications and projects. Among the international partners are the researchers from Yale University, University of Central Florida (USA), Ghent University (Belgium), Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany), Universitá Degli Studi Di Parma (Italy), University of Nantes, Université d'Angers (France), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal), Universidad Santander, Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain)


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