FURG was one of the research institutions throughout Brazil included in the Capes-PrInt Notice, whose objective is to foster the construction, implementation and consolidation of strategic internationalization actions. The university's proposition involved six graduate programs: Biological Oceanography; Physical, Chemical and Geological Oceanography; Aquaculture; Engineering and Food Science; Health Sciences; and Nursing. With this, FURG makes an appearance among the universities with the greatest potential for internationalization. "The insertion of FURG in the PrInt Program defines a new moment for research and, especially, for the University's Graduate Program, and also consolidates strategies that were defined in the Policy and in the recently approved Internationalization Institutional Plan," highlights the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, Eduardo Secchi
The theme of the Internationalization Institutional Project (PII) "Sustainability in Coastal and Oceanic Ecosystems: Cluster of Excellence in the Extreme South of Brazil" is aligned with contemporary issues of global relevance, evidenced in intergovernmental policies. The importance of the oceans for climate balance and for life safety on the Earth made the United Nations declare 2020-2030 as the Decade of Oceanographic Studies. Thus, taking into consideration: i. the dimensions of the Brazilian Exclusive Economic Zone, with a 3.7 million km2 ca. surface, and all its potential to meet national demands on strategic issues for the country, such as food and environmental security, climate forecasting, bio and geoprospection, alternative energy, biodiversity, among others; ii. the verified excellence of FURG in sea-related matters; and iii. the alignment of the four thematic axes of the PII-FURG (Bio/Geodiversity and Bio/Marine Geoprospection, Safety and Food Quality of Marine Resources, Climate Change and Impacts on Marine and Coastal Ecosystems, as well as Human Health in Coastal Ecosystems) with the global initiatives and the institutional vocation of FURG - a university focused on the coastal and oceanic ecosystems - Capes approved the PII-FURG, thus allowing the university to strengthen its Latin American leadership in marine affairs.
PrInt/FURG Project
PrInt/FURG Executive Summary
Institutional Program for Internationalization - CAPES - PrInt
FURG Internationalization Policy
FURG Internationalization Plan