On June 30, the virtual colloquium "Joint Doctorate Abroad” will be held with participation of students and graduates from FURG's graduate programs who took part of their doctorate in foreign Institutions. The co-tutelage regime, which makes it possible to obtain the title at a higher education institution abroad, will also be addressed.

Students will report their experiences, during and after the completion of the doctorate abroad and the impact on their professional and personal lives. The opening ceremony, at 9 am, will be attended by the Rector Danilo Giroldo, who will talk about his experience at the University of Oslo, Norway, and the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, Eduardo Secchi, manager of the Capes-Print Institutional Internationalization Project.

The event is open to the academic community and will take place entirely online. Attendees must register at this link.

The objective of the event is to motivate graduate students to complete their doctorate in higher education institution abroad but also to strengthen an internationalization environment at FURG.

The colloquium, promoted by the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies Office (PROPESP), is part of the activities to foster the internationalization as part of FURG's Capes-Print Institutional Internationalization Program.


 Colloquium - Program

