The Graduate Program in Food Engineering and Science, taking advantage of marine biodiversity and bioprospecting, has developed research to generate and improve knowledge regarding food quality and security. These researches are conducted from the perspective of using aquatic organisms in general, availability of their functional compounds and 17 occurrence of contaminants in the coastal ecosystem, for the proposition of techniques for the full use of aquatic living resources, including their residues generated in the process of food preparation. In this context, researches have been developed for the recovery of bioactive substances and byproducts of the industrialization of seafood, biopolymers and production of nanocapsules to protect unsaturated fatty acids from fish oil; research related to the cultivation of microalgae involving the production of bioproducts associated with nanobiotechnology and food enriched with Spirulina, development of biodegradable, bioactive and intelligent packaging, as well as the determination of contaminants in the aquatic environment. For the development of these projects, the graduate program has partnerships with the United States of America (MIT - University of California, San Diego), Germany (University of Marburg, University of Bayreuth, University of Applied Sciences of Bremerhaven, and TTZ - Bremerhaven Technology Transfer Center), Spain (University of Almería, ICTAN - Institute of Food Science and Technology and Nutrition of Madrid, and IATA - Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology of Valencia), France (UCBL - University Claude Bernard de Lyon), Portugal (University of Lisbon), and Uruguay (UDELAR - University of the Uruguayan Republic).


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